Ky has perfected the art of seduction

She is recognized as one OF THE best escorts on the GC. She takes immense pleasure in seducing you and making your fantasies come true.    KY has been blessed with model looks but her true charm lies within her charismatic personality and aura.    You could best describe KYLIE as naturally beautiful, sexy, cheeky, intelligent, honest and genuine. She blends these traits effortlessly into a highly addictive, one of a kind experience .  HER pictures
encapsulate her perfectly proportioned womanly figure.  KY has been blessed by her European heritage with strikingly gorgeous features . KYLIES style always best compliments her flawless figure She insists on looking naturally sexy and will always dress her best for the specific occasion she is attending. other professional commitments and only sees a limited number of clients. Please enquire at the earliest convenience to avoid disappointment.  Please note that your first initial contact is how KY will assess whether she will see you or not. So please be polite and be as informative as possible about your booking requests.